2023 Cohort

Vang Lutheran Church


Dennison, Minnesota

Vang Lutheran Church in Dennison was designed by Olaf Hanson, the first deaf American architect, and continues to serve its rural area as a center of faith and community.  

Vang Lutheran Church by Bernadette Ann Photography

Vang Lutheran Church by Bernadette Ann Photogra[hy

2023 Cohort

Vang Lutheran Church


Dennison, Minnesota

Vang Lutheran Church in Dennison was designed by Olaf Hanson, the first deaf American architect, and continues to serve its rural area as a center of faith and community.  

Vang Lutheran Church was established by Norwegian immigrants in Goodhue, Rice, and Dakota Counties of Minnesota. The current church was built in 1896 and provided services in Norwegian through the late 1920s. Designed by Olaf Hanson, Vang Lutheran represents a unique combination of space and light reflective of Hanson’s own experience of silent worship as a deaf American. The church features many elements that are classically representative of Norwegian, and more generally Scandinavian, churches across the region, including carving on the pulpit and altar and a Christus statue above the altar.   

As a rural “open country” church, Vang’s community is spread out over a number of towns within a 15-20 mile radius. The congregation is particularly well known for its outreach in the area of food insecurity, building the “Growing Connections Garden” on church land, which in recent years has donated over 1,000 lbs of produce annually to local food pantries. The food outreach ministry also uses garden produce and donated food to make frozen meals which are stored in the church basement and given to those in need of a meal and a visit. The annual Vang Lutefisk Dinner is a popular community event offering Norwegian food and fellowship.  

A National Fund grant of $100,000 with at least $100,000 in matching funds to be raised by its congregation will support structural stabilization of Vang Lutheran Church’s steeple and bell tower, which has deteriorated due to water infiltration.  

Vang Lutheran Church by Bernadette Ann Photography

Spotlighting Women’s History at Historic Houses of Worship

Religious institutions have served both as a platform for the advancement of women’s rights and opportunities, and women have played critical roles in advancing religious traditions. The leadership and community building opportunities within these sacred sites have been critical to increasing female independence outside of the home and allowing women to develop institutions that strengthen their congregations and broader communities. The four historic houses of worship highlighted embody positive examples of how the histories of women and religion are inherently linked.

First Church in Oberlin

Stories and Media Coverage

Read more about how the National Fund for Sacred Places is helping congregations around the country rehabilitate their sacred places.

Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church by Luis P. Gutierrez