East Mount Zion Baptist Church
East Mount Zion Baptist Church was the first Black church in Cleveland to break segregation barriers by relocating to Euclid Avenue, a grand residential avenue known as “Millionaires’ Row.”
East Mount Zion Baptist Church was the first Black church in Cleveland to break segregation barriers by relocating to Euclid Avenue, a grand residential avenue known as “Millionaires’ Row.”
Ebenezer Baptist Church was the pulpit of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr. and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Calvary Baptist Church is the oldest continuously active church in Whittier, a neighborhood formerly on the outskirts of Minneapolis which is now the most diverse neighborhood in the city.
First Presbyterian Church of Wilkes-Barre is considered the oldest religious congregation in Northeastern Pennsylvania and the first large scale steel-framed structure in Wilkes-Barre.
Greenstone United Methodist Church, named after the serpentine stone on the exterior facade, was built in 1882 and designed by architect Solon S. Beman in the town of Pullman, located on the far south side of Chicago.